Battles: Galveston Island; Red River Campaign


Printed Sources:
Debray, Xavier Blanchard. A Sketch of the History of Debray's (26th)
Regiment of Texas Cavalry. Austin: Eugene von Boeckmann, 1884.; Waco:
Village Press, 1961.
Debray, Xavier Blanchard. "A Sketch of Debray's Twenty-Sixth Regiment of
Texas Cavalry," Southern Historical Soiety Papers 13 (1885): 153-165.
Graves, Harrison A. Andrew Jackson Potter, the Fighting Parson of the Texan
Frontier. Nashville: Southern Methodist pub. house, 1881, 1889.
Henderson, Harry McCorry. "26th Texas Cavalry (De Bray's Regiment)." in his
Texas in the Confederacy, 1955, pp. 106-


